Respond to the following quotes:
I think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody's face in a photograph. The magic is in seeing people in new ways.” Duane Michals
I believe deeply in the concept Michals states. When you take photographs, it is not simply just a square cut-out of the scene and involves bits and pieces of the photographer while the emotion, history, and personality of the subject shines through as well. Photographs have so many layers and meanings, and viewers would be bored if they viewed things that they see everyday in the same exact way... that takes the meaning out of actually "viewing" photography.
“I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.” Duane Michals
Photography allows us to go beyond our visual capacity. We can create scenes and sights that impossible to see in everyday life. The most compelling photography is that in which we are detached from reality and placed into a whole new world. Good photography doesn't just capture a moment in time, it captures the imagination that is possible in this world and the imagination that is brewing inside photographers minds.
“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” Berenice Abbott
I disagree with this quote. Photographs don't get grow dust and get lost in time, they live on forever which makes photography so beautiful. When you forget something in the past you can look at a photograph and relive it in an instant, remembering memories and details that you otherwise would have forgotten. The past is completely wrapped up in the present and cannot be a separate entity. The faces in pictures and the scenes may have aged but they can never be erased.
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