Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Prompt #25

You as Curator:
Look through the list of recent entrants to this call for photography.
Pretend you are curating a show and choose 7 photographers to include in your show. Describe why you would pick those particular artists and what about their work stands out to you.

Matt Dixon: He creates paint-like textures simply by taking pictures of rotting buildings or walls. The photographs are compelling and make you wonder where exactly this texture originates from.

Albert C Karges: I would pick this photographer because of his simple perspectives of nature. All his photographs emphasize the natural, simple beautiful of nature. I love his focal point and the straight horizons in every photograph. Also, the colors are very calming. It draws attention back to the natural aspects of nature and not the man-made, highly exoticized parts of nature.

Ljubodrag Andric: This series of photographs on the beach capture an innocent and carefree spirit. I want to jump in the photographs and enjoy the warmth of summer. The use of lighting and the sometimes curious object placement makes the photographs quirky while playful.

Ross White: Although he only has one photograph entered, I think this lonely photograph is hilarious. There is a guy reading a newspaper on a beach completely alone but surrounded by a mess of organized beach chairs. It's as though he is not alone because he has the company of all these inanimate objects around him. It comments on humans reliance on objects and comfort in inanimate objects. I also really enjoy the colors in this photograph.

Justin Borsuk: Justin's photographs are chaotic, colorful, playful, and romantic. His scenes of amusement parks and downtown nightlife make me dizzy but make me want to join in on the festivity. I love his use of colors and the layering of the photographs give them deep texture.

Erik Sumption: I applaud Erik Sumption for his ability to find color in any habitat. The majority of his pictures are abstract but all pull the eye in with his vibrant use of color.

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